10 Years | Est: 2008
Open hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Address: Foxhall Lodge, Foxhall Road, Nottingham, NG7 6LH

Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Claims
Had an Accident within the last 3 years?
We have had many different personal injury and clinical negligence cases over the years, and we always try to get the best compensation for our clients. We handle all accident claims including road traffic accidents, injuries sustained as a result of a trip or fall, accidents at work, defective product claims and accidents abroad. We also handle medical negligence claims.
Our experienced personal injury lawyers will make the claims process as easy as possible for you to understand with the assurance of expertise. Our firm offers a “client focused” approach to ensure that you receive the best possible compensation for your claim.
Limitation Date
You must start your claim within 3 years from the date of the accident. This is referred to as the Limitation date.
In some cases the time limit starts from the date you realised you had an injury and that this injury was because of your accident. The time limit can also vary if your accident took place abroad or on a boat or aeroplane.
No Win, No Fee
All our claims are conducted on a No Win No Fee basis. It is not possible to say how long your claim will take as each claim is different and it depends on a number of factors. However we do urge our client’s to co-operate with us in returning documents to us as this will speed up the process.
Road Traffic Accidents
We represent clients who have been injured as a result of a road traffic accident including drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists.
We have experience of obtaining compensation for all types of injuries from minor whiplash to more serious head and spinal injuries. Whatever your injury you can be assured that our expertise will ensure that we maximise the compensation that you receive.
We will also handle the vehicle damage element of the claim, obtaining payments in lieu for vehicles declared beyond economical repair and negotiating the best settlement figure for the vehicle.
Sometimes when representing our clients we find that the responsible party was either uninsured or they cannot be traced at all. Our lawyers have experience in obtaining compensation for victims of accidents as a result of uninsured or untraced drivers.
Accidents at Work:
Your employer has a duty to ensure that the environment you work in is safe. If you have had an accident at work you may be entitled to compensation against your employer for failure to maintain a safe working environment, or even against fellow employees.
We shall also pursue your claim for loss of earnings for time off work as a result of the accident and for future loss of earnings in the event that the injury prevents you from performing your normal job when you return to work or prevents you from returning to work at all.
We often find that our clients assume that the accident was their own fault until they contact us and we establish that they have a genuine claim.
We also specialise in claims as a result of a fall due to dangerous hazards or paving for e.g. in a supermarket or on the highway.
Accidents Abroad:
These cases need to have lots of evidence regarding the details of the trip, including travel and accommodation costs, and any extra costs incurred due to an accident. We advise that you keep all receipts from a trip abroad and keep all travel documentation if you think you have a claim.